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Cookers in Use Around the World (1/3)

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kakuma-altgifts.jpg (20535 bytes) These are three of the many  women in Gorom-Gorom, Burkina Faso who learned to use the CooKit solar panel cooker.
Refugee women in Kenya preparing grain for cooking.
wpe14.jpg (50311 bytes) This large cooker is used by a restaurant in Cuba to bake pizzas for its customers.
wpe1.jpg (28446 bytes) A solar cooking group in Jamaica.
wpe14.jpg (33274 bytes) Nepalese family using a solar cooker made from baskets to warm water for tea.
wpe1.jpg (77872 bytes) Peruvian family expressing their astonishment that it was possible to cook in a cardboard box. Note the deforested hillsides in the background.
wpe14.jpg (42919 bytes) These people have started a business making things, including solar cookers, out of paper mache. 
wpe25.jpg (33832 bytes) Nicaraguan women load food into cooker through "drawer".
wpe25.jpg (33832 bytes) Three African women leaving a workshop with cookers that each had built.

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