- August 2009:
Solar cooking for
Afghanistan - YouTube
- April 2008:
World Bank audio interview with Margaret Owino
- March 2008:
Louise Meyer and
Patricia McArdle explain how solar cookers work - YouTube
- February 2008:
Battling Genocide One Cooker At a Time - KPCC FM
- September 2007:
AP video
taken at the US State Department in September 2007 at an all-day solar
cooker demo for the Refugee Bureau. Assistant Secretary of State for
Population, Refugees, and Migration Ellen Sauerbrey is featured.
- Associated Press
- September 2007:
Cooking in Sun Better for Environment
- September 2007: Bob
Metcalf interviewed on
Sacramento NPR program
- July 2007: Narrated slideshow
showing solar cooker construction and use at
Iridimi refugee camp -
The Christian Science Monitor
- February 2007:
Sustainable Energy in Nepal, Solar cookers, briquette oven, pasteurizers,
- January 2007:
video interview with SCI's Faustine Odaba
at the World Social Forum in Nairobi, Kenya.
September 2006:
Video interview with SCI's Margaret Owino (Low bandwidth
- September 2006:
An interview with Margaret Owino (SCI's Director of the Eastern Africa
Region) that was broadcast on WBAI: (WMA: 22k or MP3:
- July 2006:
Dr. Robert Metcalf's presentation on solar water pasteurization at the solar cooking conference in Granada, Spain (WMA:
8k or MP3:
16k - and
- Calling All Solar Cookers--
Recorded interviews with interesting participants in the world-wide solar
cooking movement.
Watch video showing how solar cookers are preventing rape in Darfur refugee
Rowena Gerber and the Solar Oven Project
of SHE, Inc. project in Mexico's Sierra Gorda biosphere
- A YouTube video showing an egg being fried on a parabolic cooker in
Chile here.
- Various videos from the SolarServe solar cooking project in Vietnam are
- Thirty years ago, a spiritual community was created in southern India.
Auroville, as the community is known, devotes itself to peace and has become
a model city for sustainable living. They have built the worlds largest
solar cooker, which cooks for over 1000 people everyday. Living on Earth
visited the community. Hear RealAudio stream
here. Download MP3 version
- Interview with George and Grace Magney about solar cooking in Afghanistan --
High bandwidth
or low
Jennifer Hill being interviewed about her solar cooking on the NPR show The
Splendid Table
Short audio piece on solar cooking by Adventist World Radio
Listen to 2005 Voice of America report on solar cooking
- WCCO Channel 4 has an October 2004 video covering the work of Mike and
Martha Port. You can view it
- Cooking with the HotPot (RealVideo)--
low res (good for slower connections or
high res (good for faster connections)
- The Solar Oven Society Hopes to
Make a Difference (Minnesota Public Radio)
- The Voice of America just broadcast their
Special English Development Report with solar cooking as the subject
matter. You listen to the broadcast here
or watch the illustrated broadcast
- An interview with Margaret Owino on the
BBC program Network
Africa discussing the Kakuma Refugee Camp
project (5 minutes, Windows Media)
- An interview with Barbara Knudson
discussing Mr. Paksoy's exciting
project in Adana, Turkey. (43 minutes, Windows Media)
- "Letters from Kenya" from the most
successful solar cooking project in the world at the
Kakuma Refugee Camp
in Kakuma, Kenya. (5 minutes -- Windows Media)
- Interview with Mike Bridgwater about his
work with solar cooker and haybox (heat-retention) cooks in Tanzania.
Email: mikebridg@aol.com (22 minutes
-- Windows Media)
- Life on Earth piece on solar cooking in
(7 minutes -- RealAudio)
- Voice of America piece on the Earthwatch solar
cooking project in Kenya (5 minutes -- RealAudio)
- Dr. Robert Metcalf's vision of solar cooking.
Presented at the GlobeScope Conf. (6 minutes -- RealAudio).
- Dr. Robert Metcalf's GlobeScope 6-minute question
and answer session (6 minutes -- RealAudio).